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Hurricane Season Prepardness

Hurricane season is here and you can protect you and your family by following a few simple steps to prepare for any dangerous storms that may impact the area.

To prepare for a hurricane, you should take the following measures:

  • To begin preparing, you should build an emergency kit and make a family communications plan so you may stay in contact with one another.

  • Know your surroundings.

  • Learn the elevation level of your property and whether the land is flood-prone. This will help you know how your property will be affected when storm surge or tidal flooding are forecasted.

  • Identify levees and dams in your area and determine whether they pose a hazard to you.

  • Learn community hurricane evacuation routes and how to find higher ground. Determine where you would go and how you would get there if you needed to evacuate.

  • Make plans to secure your property:

  • Cover all of your home’s windows. Permanent storm shutters offer the best protection for windows. A second option is to board up windows with 5/8” exterior grade or marine plywood, cut to fit and ready to install. Another year-round option would be installation of laminated glass with impact-resistant glazing. Tape does not prevent windows from breaking.

  • Install straps or additional clips to securely fasten your roof to the frame structure. This will reduce roof damage.

  • Be sure trees and shrubs around your home are well trimmed so they are more wind resistant.

  • Clear loose and clogged rain gutters and downspouts.

  • Reinforce your garage doors; if wind enters a garage it can cause dangerous and expensive structural damage.

  • Plan to bring in all outdoor furniture, decorations, garbage cans and anything else that is not tied down.

  • Determine how and where to secure your boat.

  • Install a generator for emergencies.

  • If in a high-rise building, when high winds are present, be prepared to take shelter on a lower floor because wind conditions increase with height, and in a small interior room without windows. When flooding may be occuring, be prepared to take shelter on a floor safely above the flooding and wave effects.

  • Consider building a safe room.


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