Guilford Fire Department Bonding Information

"The mission of the Guilford Fire Department is to provide the highest quality fire protection, emergency medical services, fire prevention, safety education, community services, mitigation of emergency and non-emergency incidents for the citizens and visitors to the town of Guilford. Our service delivery is enhanced through training, education, planning, and teamwork. We will safely achieve our mission while remaining fiscally responsible throughout the effective and proficient use of all resources."
The Guilford Fire Department Capital Improvement Project (CIP) supports our mission by helping to finance the purchase of water storage tanks for areas of town that do not have fire hydrants, the purchase of an emergency medical service ambulance, and the purchase of a new heavy duty rescue truck. The objective of the Fire Department CIP is to provide fire suppression water in areas that do not have access to fire hydrants, enhance the delivery of excellent emergency services to our community, and support current firefighting and technical rescue operations. The proposed capital improvement projects are detailed below.
Program Highlights
Underground Water Storage Tank for Fire Suppression Operations
Project Cost: $125,000
A 30,000 gallon underground water storage tank is proposed to be installed in the South Hoop Pole area for fire protection operations. This area of town has no fire hydrants and static water sources are scarce. The proposed underground tank will be accessible to fire department personnel at times when fire suppression water is needed.
Replacement Ambulance and Emergency Medical Equipment
Project Cost: $250,000
A new ambulance is proposed to replace the current primary ambulance. The proposed ambulance will be outfitted with the latest in pre-hospital emergency care technology. This equipment will enhance first responder capabilities to provide basic and advanced lifesaving care to the citizens of Guilford and surrounding towns. Some of the additional equipment proposed in this improvement plan include:
Stryker Power Stretcher- This stretcher allows patients to be safely transported to and from the ambulance and reduces back injuries for first responders.
Physio Control Lucas 3 Chest Compression Device-The LUCAS® Chest Compression System is designed to help improve outcomes of sudden cardiac arrest victims and improve operations for medical responders. This Lucas device can be deployed quickly with minimal interruption to patient care. New defibrillator use to restart the heart.
Replacement of Heavy Duty Rescue Vehicle and Equipment
Project Cost: $1,000,000
A replacement heavy duty rescue is proposed to replace the current heavy duty rescue. In general, the Department’s response apparatus experiences moderate to heavy use resulting from the current call volume and distribution of calls based on physical location and severity. In 2016 alone, Guilford Fire Department responded to more than 3600 calls for service. This call volume has only increased over the years therefore greatly increasing the wear and tear on department vehicles and equipment. The new rescue will be equipped with an updated breathing air cascade system and hydraulic tools. This will replace the outdated extrication equipment that is over 25 years old. Newer passenger vehicles that are manufactured today utilize metals that make it difficult for the current tools to cut through. This is important when first responders are attempting to extricate patients who are involved in motor vehicle accidents. The new air system on the proposed rescue will replace the older system that requires costly maintenance repairs and will improve reliability and efficiency. This is extremely important during firefighting operations when firefighters need breathing apparatus refilled at fire scenes in a timely manner.