Open Burning on Residential Property
Residential property is property that is used exclusively for residential purposes, consisting of one to four dwelling units. Burning on property not zoned or classified as residential is prohibited.
Restrictions, Conditions and Permitting
Prior to burning, the resident, or individual seeking to burn on the residential property where he or she resides, must have a valid, signed permit from the office of the fire marshal. The permit does not relieve the permittee of any legal liability, which may be incurred as a result of the fire.
Open burning is limited to the burning of brush only. Brush is defined as shrubs, vegetation or prunings, the diameter of which is not greater than three inches at the widest point. Leaves and grass are not considered brush. Open burning is not allowed for the purpose of clearing land, or for the disposal of construction debris, household trash, or leaves.
Open Burning Restrictions
Residents looking to burn must have a valid and signed permit from the Guilford office of the Fire Marshal/Open Burning Official. Permits are now available online by clicking the link above.
Open burning is not allowed:
to clear land prior to construction activities
as a means to dispose of construction debris, household trash, or leaves.
if the Air Quality Index (AQI) is forecasted to be 75 or higher anywhere in the state
if the Forest Fire Danger Index is rated High, Very High, or Extreme
if national or state ambient air quality standards may be exceeded
if a hazardous health condition might be created
if there is an advisory from DEEP of any air pollution episode
where prohibited by an ordinance of the municipality
if directed by any member of the town Fire Marshal's office, Officer of the Fire Department, designated Municipal Official responsible for enforcing the open burning laws and ordinances, or any official of the Health Department or DEEP
Before the Burn
All reasonable safety precautions are to be taken including but not limited to:
clearing of grass and trees from the burning area
wetting down of the surrounding area
placement of fire extinguishers and hose lines
After the Burn
all reasonable measures to assure complete combustion and
reduce excessive smoke are to be taken
at no time during the burn should the fire be left unattended
the permit must be available on site during the burn
burning may not create a nuisance to nearby properties
burning may only be conducted between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on a
sunny or partly sunny day with the wind speed between 5 and 15 miles per hour
Completion of the Burn Period
the burn pile must be completely extinguished by 5 p.m.
all embers and coals must be extinguished and wetted, so as to prevent smoldering and fugitive ash emissions
Failure to adhere to the conditions of the permit may result in penalties and/or enforcement actions. There may be additional requirements or special conditions applied to your open burning permit by the local Open Burning Official.
Do you have a complaint regarding open burning on residential property?
Smoke, nuisance odors, or other complaints regarding open burning on a residential piece of property are best directed to the office of the fire marshal/open burning official. Contact 203-453-8056 for more information or to make a complaint.
Issues or concerns relating to the health effects created or experienced during open burning should be directed to the local Open Burning Official as well as the Guilford Health Department. Guilford DIrector of Health Sonia Marino 203-453-8118.
In the case of an emergency please call 911 .