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Distracted Driving Campaign Contest

As a teen, how do you talk to your friends, parents, and even your siblings about the very real dangers of reckless and distracted driving?

That is the very question Impact Teen Drivers began asking in 2007 while educating young drivers and passengers in schools about poor decision-making behind the wheel. Teens across the United States all said the same thing, “let US do the messaging.” Impact Teen Drivers created the Create Real Impact Contest to ask young people, ages 14-22, to show how they would talk about the number one killer of teens in America.

Young people enter to win cash and prizes by showcasing graphic design, music, video, and creative writing creations to address reckless and distracted driving and solve the problem. It’s that simple. This unique opportunity allows for a safe and expressive platform to speak out and create real impact. Since this contest began, we have received entries representing all 50 states and Washington, D.C.

For more information and to submit your campaign idea click here-


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